Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Sorry that I have not posted very much in the last few weeks but I will be rolling now and keep everybody up to date. Rain, rain, rain and more rain, please turn off the hose we do not need anymore. The other afternoon after another big shower it was so warm and humid that it felt like you were walking thru the mildest mist, I envisioned that this is what Borneo must be like. Then I could hear nothing but frogs, especially greys tree frogs (hyla versicolor), their trill cuts right thru the surrounding murmur of other woodland sounds. We are blessed we have over 20 acres of woodlands, creeks and fields it is quite the nature sanctuary. And the songs that you hear from the song birds, woodpeckers, barred owls, various insects and our bellowing alligators is very beautiful. I thought that I would doodle a picture of a tree frog, color it or add you artistic effects and have fun. If you would like after you have finished it send me what you have done, I would love to see it, all the best, Larry larry@larrytheanimalguy.com

1 comment:

  1. I thought I would put this frog to color on my online bigfoot magazine, Bigfoot Ballyhoo. I will, that is, if you don't mind. Thank you, Linda Newton-Perry
