Sunday, August 30, 2009

Alligator Adoption

Well we had another alligator brought to our compound on saturday. He was over five feet long and his name is "Amos". They took good care of him but they were not prepared to do the things that are required to have a permit to keep a alligator that size in Indiana. Our alligator family grows and before long we may have more gators than some parts of Florida.....that is a joke. There are over a million gators in Florida. And just think they were close to extinction at one time. What a success story or is it, now if a gator ends up to close to a neighborhood they dont capture it and relocate it they just kill it. It seems to me the gators were here first so in their own homeland they should have a few more rights. But that is just my opinion, and by the way gators do not make good pets...just close friends...

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